Strength TogetHER 29 - My Aim


My Aim 

Lokopakar in collaboration with NIRI (Nexus Institute for Research and Innovation) plans to conduct Strength TogetHER sessions in 10 public schools in Nepal. Strength TogetHER is a platform where girls come together to share their stories and learn from each other.  Under this, Lokopakar conducted its sessions at Padmodaya School, and on 19th July, 2022 we discussed on the topic, “My Aim”.

Our first participant shared that  she wants to gradually explore her likes and dislikes first and then decide later. She doesn’t have an aim yet. Whereas another participant shared that she wants to be a bank manager and wants to work in Nepal Rastra Bank, one of the most reputed banks of Nepal. She adds that she works hard for that and enjoys accounting classes as well. 

“I want to be a doctor just like my father and my soon to be doctor sister, who is doing her MBBS. I talk to them on how their day is like and what they enjoy the most frequently and they help me and buy science related books. I also read diligently”, shared our other participant. 


Another participant shared that she wants to be a doctor too when she grows up. She added  that she has always wanted to be a doctor but when asked if she was influenced by anyone, she said there’s no one like that but she was always told that a doctor is a good person and that she wants to be a good person as well.  She stated that mindset has been like that. 

“I want to be a nurse like my mother. I watch YouTube videos and always do my best in my studies”, shared a participant. She added that, since nurses are available when doctors are not and nurses work closely with the patients, that inspires her to be a nurse as well. 

Another participant shared that she wants to be a singer, and her favorite singer is Elina Chouhan. She has always liked singing, but has never performed in front of a big mass. She sang beautifully for us and all the participants at the end of the session as well. 

Other two participants shared a similar aim of being a teacher. They wanted to be Social and Nepali teachers respectively. They said that she wants to be a social teacher because she is influenced by Ramita ma’am, their class teacher. While the other participant shared that she wants to be an english teacher knowing the importance of education and would like to treat everyone equally. 


The other participants shared that they have not yet  decided on what to do, and would like to explore their interests first. We concluded the session saying that some people know what they want to be from a young age while it is also normal for aims and dreams to change with growth and exposure to new people, things and surroundings. And, sometimes some people don’t decide on anything until they become sure of what they actually want to be. 

Despite those, the participants agreed that everyone should do their best on all subjects and stages of their lives and work hard as hard work and determination always pays off. Finally, we decided to respect and support each other’s dreams and help them in any ways we can. 


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